JR Moore

ViIce President/Co-Promoter


JR Moore has been involved with the Battle of the Badges since 2005 serving as Vice President. JR has also participated in the BOTB fights for 14 years in a row. It’s been his honor to support MedCamps and other local children’s charities through Battle of the Badges. He is humbled by the children that he has met through the years and seen the battles that they fight. Jr Moore says, “The children are truly the heroes and this is why we do all this…for the children!”


JR Moore has been involved with the Battle of the Badges since 2005 serving as Vice President. JR has also participated in the BOTB fights for 14 years in a row. It's been his honor to support MedCamps and other local children's charities through Battle of the Badges. He is humbled by the children that he has met through the years and seen the battles that they fight. Jr Moore says, "The children are truly the heroes and this is why we do all this...for the children!"

Professional Life:








Battle of the Badges is a non-profit amateur boxing show that features policemen versus firemen from Northeast Louisiana and all across the country. The purpose of the Battle of the Badges is to raise money for our selected charities. The policemen and the firemen will fight for Med Camps of Louisiana, Inc. Med Camps of Louisiana holds a series of one-week, fun-filled camps each summer free of charge for over 5,500 children in Louisiana facing the challenges of a variety of physical and mental disabilities.

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